quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2021


1 — Welcoming and serving customers who enter the room, especially if they are strangers, with demonstrations of sympathy and natural consideration, but without servility, is the duty of the bosses and all employees. If the customer does not have a table reserved, the head of shift or other waiter must indicate him a free table, where he can be served or wait a moment. The abandoned client, waiting, resents the lack of attention, feels unwelcome and does not forgive the lack of enthusiasm or sympathy to receive him; 2 — Saluting customers who enter or leave, with a slight inclination of the body and a clear expression of respect, with an open look and cheerful, are proper attitudes of the correct reception practiced by a conscientious employee; 3 — The customer must be considered and treated as one of our guests: let us greet them with a cordial and frank smile, considered the most expressive form of kindness that, for a stranger, also represents friendship. Whenever possible, we greet the customer using their name, because for all of us the most beautiful word is still their own name. Therefore, let us cultivate the memory of names and surnames; 4 — The correct professional position — straight body, heels together effortlessly and arms dangling naturally — must be maintained whenever speaking or taking orders from clients or superiors. The placing of hands on chairs, tables or walls, as if to serve as a backrest or staff, shows evident apathy, lack of interest in the work and even disrespect. The waiter, on the contrary, must show that he is active, attentive and deferential; 5 — When taking a customer order, the employee must not bend over or lie down on the table. Practice the correct position as indicated above and, whenever possible, place yourself to the left, having, however, presented the list or menu on the right side, except when seated at tables embedded or among guests, in which cases, of course, will present from the front or the left, whichever is more functional; 6 — Elderly customers, the sick and the lame should be helped to sit down and placed, if possible, in an unseen place, so that they feel more comfortable and more comfortable. Avoid places subject to low temperatures and drafts, especially for the elderly or the sick; 7 — Children need to be helped to sit in their own chairs (which all good restaurants must have) or, failing that, look for pillows to put on the regular chairs and, in this way, stay more tall, to better accommodate themselves at tables. The waiter should also offer to provide them with the napkin or bib, replacing it when too dirty, so that they do not cause a bad impression on other guests, as well as helping to cut the larger pieces on their plates. 8 — Do not run in the rooms or in any other part of the service. The good employee works and walks confidently, without dragging his feet or running. Be active but not a runner; 9 — Do not talk to customers for a long time, because otherwise the service of other guests cannot be done and, with good reason, customers resent it; 10 — If the guest does not eat the delicacy that was served to him, ask him gently if he wants another. He may not have eaten due to lack of appetite, but it could also be due to lack of preparation, a circumstance that should be communicated to the hierarchical superior, so that he can take the necessary measures; 11- Correctness and delicacy are personal qualities that must be manifested clearly and very naturally, not only with clients, but also with co-workers, especially with those new to the house, as they greatly need our help and cooperation; 12— Perfect cooperation among employees, especially among those working close shifts, is a professional characteristic that distinguishes a good colleague from a bad one. Helping an overworked employee provokes in the observing customer a feeling of respect and admiration for the employee who provides such assistance and increases in superiors the consideration due to that helpful employee.

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